Zorga Masques (Wolfren) Vs Greedon Masques (Axel) . Casual match, Locals

Описание к видео Zorga Masques (Wolfren) Vs Greedon Masques (Axel) . Casual match, Locals

Greedon is the master of gambles in the Dark States casino...the best place for Zorga to play some games! How could the playful spiritualist resist that challange even if at the risk of turning into chocolate? Join and watch UwU


Greedon Match up guides and tips:

Greedon is a complex MU for zorga, as it requires navigating very well the line between playing a sustained long game and choosing to put pressure while trying to inflict a 7th dmg or deck the oponent out.

To beat greedon we want to deal enough dmg for them to die, but most importantly, to deck out on the grind games that last longer. Not attacking is not an actual way to win. On the other hand, attacking too much will just give them the resources to put the most pressure on us with Incane or Gouman, they will heal a lot throught drive checks and we won't be able to heal. Follow these tips in order to be a little more favored:

Start attacking: Greedon is extremely weak the 1st stages of the game. This means we can dissrupt him and make them reach midgame in not fully good conditions. Be smart about this and try to grasp fast if this will be a game where you can close with a fast Kill, or if it will be a game that will grind into lategame, to gauge the amount of dmg you wanna deal, and when. In the 1st game of the video, i realised the game was always going to deck out, so i used the turn 3 to farm cards and deny resources (this also will save me some cards). I had a lot of heals in deck so i always stood in healing range and tried to grind the long run. However, turn 4, i went down on dmg after healing and my position was good enough to push. In the end, them having ofensive OT made a diference. Is not the play was terrible, but probably i could have won by putting pressure there. The games will be very diferent from one another. We gotta be open to reading the particular circumnstances and take the better course fast.

-Stay on heal range: This may be a bit counterintuitive, but its better to take some dmg early on the game. This will enable your heals and deny the oponents. You will save cards and be able to guard more threatning vg attacks later. (I don't mean we should reach t3 at 3 dmg, but its fine taking 1 early vg swing, for exemple)

Play arround Fuujo: Fuujo is a very broken card. They will kill your board if they put it into soul (take this into consideration and do not over commit board with cards you will need to activate later) and they will guard restrict your pgs. Try to fit the pgs properly so you can save your cards.

-Use bist ayatvas to farm orders: Every time Bist is used, we can consider it as if we have bypassed one of the guard restrictions. This allow use to grab an order to discard as pg fodder and just go ahead and play the pg as normal by putting another 5k or rpd into guard zone.

-Do not rush keel: Some games it will be happening smooth on t3, but often enough we might want to save on cb by not creating the marker. Some games will be won by using those 2-3 cbs to plus handsize with cow. It is very important to read the situation fast to see what kind of game this is going to be. This is the magic of midrange, if you can do this properly you will be rly strong. Seemingly, do not minus yourself on cards to call rpds or keels. Just let them reach the dropzone naturally by using them to guard.

Calling cards to board is -1 to hand: greedon doesn t rly hit hard. Most of the attacks can be guarded by 2 cards most of the times. In many situations, the guard restrictions act just as if their attacks were 33ks or 38ks. If you keep in hand the right cards and slowly plus your board to work (While not losing random cards to fuujo) you will build naturally an interactive board that is not costful on handsize.

handle the tempo:

Early: put pressure

Midgame: Decide between slowing the game down to farm or putting full pressure.

Lategame: Full pressure while grinding until they deck out.


If you are interested in more Zorga content, follow me on twitter by the name @WolfrenVG. There you can have access to Zorga information like deck lists and tournament results. I do also post opinions in deck building and game strategy as long as with my latest builds UwU


I do not own the art or the music displayed here. If you want to support the music creators, you can follow them at: @lewisluongrelaxation


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