Accessibility Journey for Forza Motorsport: Featuring Blind Driving Assists

Описание к видео Accessibility Journey for Forza Motorsport: Featuring Blind Driving Assists

Nehal Chintala, Katrin Hilman & Todd Helsley. Accessibility champions on Forza Motorsport have spent years developing new Accessibility features to bring to its players. This talk will cover the Accessibility journey for the new game, an overview into their accessibility investments, as well as a deep dive into the Blind Driving Assists. It will cover an overview of what the assists are and how the team collaborated with Brandon Cole and others from the Gaming and Disability community, to bring this feature to life. The goal is to share our learnings and experiences so that we (game developers) can collectively work together to make future games more accessible to as many people as possible.

GAconf USA 2023


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