Cut "A Fist Full of Geckos" Level - Gex 3 Deep Cover Gecko (PS1, Feb. 8th 1999, Beta)

Описание к видео Cut "A Fist Full of Geckos" Level - Gex 3 Deep Cover Gecko (PS1, Feb. 8th 1999, Beta)

Well, it looks like we have a level name for Gtown1 (or Cowboy level, as I referred to it as) now: A Fist Full of Geckos.

This level is pretty much close to what you can find in the retail release of Gex 3, aside from some minor graphical corruptions, SFX and maybe some handful of assets that might otherwise be easily overlooked. Regardless of this, it seems that the level was still somewhat implemented into the game, showing the level's objective hints, along with a placeholder FMV slide. I wonder if the stage actually appears in the hub world. As with most other level names, this one also makes reference to pop culture - A Fistful of Dollars. Very fitting for this level's theme.

Since there's nothing spectacular about this stage that hasn't already been covered before (aside from the fact that this build got released yesterday), I'll just mention a few things about the other things in this build. So, the introduction and title screen are starting to shape up, though relatively simple in animation. I do applaud the crusty logo, though. The menus are... interesting. You have the option start and load saves, change volume options (which do not work at all.) and access the included demos. The demos are not implemented, and the back button has no function, softlocking you into the menu. FMVs only consist of the story introduction which cuts off, while the rest just show the level name as a placeholder.

There are minor aesthetic differences in some of the levels (including more billboard shenanigans in Dial A). Unfortunately, with this build, we also lose the scrapped N64 exclusive levels. While they are listed in the level list and show up in the level selector, the level data itself doesn't appear to be on the disc. There's one new entry, "proto55", but like the other N64 levels, no data is present on the disc. We'd likely need to uncover a January build to see if those stages were worked one some more (Village was definitely worked on some more based on prerelease screenshots). I'll likely go back and cover the other scrapped/in development levels from the December 1998 build that I skipped over, rather than this build unless something noteworthy is discovered. If you'd like to check this one out for yourself, then do check the Hidden Palace page or the relevant TCRF page (if/when it gets added).


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