World's Largest Machine Tractor: The Big Bud 16V-747 That Transforms Farming in 2025!

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"World's Largest Machine Tractor: The Big Bud 16V-747 That Transforms Farming in 2025!

The Big Bud 16V-747 is the world's largest tractor, originally built in 1977. It stands over 14 feet tall, 27 feet long, and weighs more than 135,000 pounds. Powered by a 16-cylinder, 1,100-horsepower Detroit Diesel engine, this massive machine is designed for large-scale farming. It features eight-foot-tall custom tires and can tow equipment up to 80 feet wide. Recently upgraded for 2025, the Big Bud remains an iconic symbol of power and efficiency in agriculture.

1. Big Bud 16V-747

2. World's largest tractor

3. Agricultural machinery

4. Detroit Diesel engine

5. Farming giant

6. 2025 upgrades

7. Heavy-duty tractor

8. Large-scale farming

9. Custom tires

10. High horsepower

11. 16-cylinder engine

12. Farm equipment

13. Tractor king

14. Power and efficiency

15. Plowing fields

16. Northern Manufacturing Company

17. United Tire Company

#BigBud747 #WorldsLargestTractor #AgriculturalMachinery #HeavyDutyTractor #FarmingGiant #DetroitDiesel #TractorPower #LargeScaleFarming #2025Upgrades #CustomTires #FarmEquipment #TractorKing #HighHorsepower #16CylinderEngine #FieldDomination #NorthernManufacturing #UnitedTireCompany #TractorEfficiency #PlowingFields #FarmMachines #BigBudTractor

18. 80-foot implements

19. Fuel capacity

20. Field domination


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