Digimon New Century - WarGreymon Daipenmon Bacchusmon MarineAngemon JetSilphymon Rosemon MetalEtemon

Описание к видео Digimon New Century - WarGreymon Daipenmon Bacchusmon MarineAngemon JetSilphymon Rosemon MetalEtemon

➜ How to install Digimon New Century Official Version / Como instalar Digimon New Century:    • How to install Digimon New Century cr...   *Official version release date changed from Oct 13 to Oct 21, 2021. [Final Beta Gameplay #9]
Contents: Hatching Penmon/Penguinmon from DigiEgg, feeding, Digivolutions/showcase: Unimon, Piximon/Piccolomon, Bacchusmon, MarineAngemon, Chackmon/Kumamon, Blizzarmon/Korikakumon, Daipenmon, Wargreymon, Nanimon, Etemon, MetalEtemon, Lalamon, Lilimon/Lillymon, Rosemon, Kazemon/Fairimon, Zephyrmon/Shutumon, JetSilphymon

Register/Download page: https://m.3839.com/a/115462.htm
with QQ/wechat (via facebook)
*Keep in mind that servers may be already full

Game: Final beta test of the smartphone game Digimon New Century by Bandai Namco Shanghai (China)
Final Beta (Aug 2021) info:    • Digimon New Century - Latest beta pre...  
Final Beta 1st Gameplay:    • Digimon New Century - Last Beta open!...  
Gameplay #2: Gargomon MetalGreymon, BlackWargreymon & more:    • Digimon New Century Final Beta Gamepl...  
#3: Garurumon, Wizardmon, Baalmon, Beelzemon, Witchmon:    • Digimon New Century - Baalmon, Witchm...  
#4: Icemon, AncientVolcamon, Dianamon, LadyDevimon, Gladimon, story clips:    • Digimon New Century Last beta Gamepla...  
#5: LordKnightmon / Crusadermon, Duftmon / Leopardmon, Etemon, GeoGreymon:    • Digimon New Century Final Beta: LordK...  
#6: Cutemon DigiEgg, MetalGarurumon, MegaGargomon, Neptunemon, story parts:    • Digimon New Century: DigiEggs, MetalG...  
#7: Anubismon, Jesmon, Lilithmon, Digitamamon, RizeGreymon, Rapidmon, WereGarurumon, Zudomon, Duftmon/Leopardmon special animation:    • Digimon New Century Final Beta - Anub...  
#8: Ponchomon, Jokermon, Phoenixmon:    • Digimon New Century Final Beta Digivo...  
#10: HerculesKabuterimon, Cherubimon, 1st Mega Digivolution Rosemon, story: Wu Hai, Akatorimon, Lucemon, Devimon:    • Digimon New Century - HerculesKabuter...  
#11: Seraphimon, Piedmon, MetalSeadramon, Puppetmon:    • Digimon New Century - HolyAngemon Dig...  
#12: Minervamon, Lotusmon, MetalGarurumon Black, Story Act 6: Lucemon VS Alice match, Tinkermon appears:    • Digimon New Century - Minervamon, Lot...  
#13: Gaiomon, BanchoLeomon, SaberLeomon, HiAndromon, Vikemon, VenomVamdemon/VenomMyotismon:    • Digimon New Century - BanchoLeomon, S...  
#14: ShineGreymon, Machinedramon/Mugendramon, my 2nd Mega Beelzemon Digivolution:    • Digimon New Century - ShineGreymon, M...  

Beta #1) Digimon New Centuy first Gameplay:    • Digimon New Century Gameplay  
Story Ep. 1 & 2: Satoru Sakamoto & Agumon:    • Digimon New Century Gameplay - Main S...  

Digimon New Century - Digimon Adventure (1999) Act 1:    • Digimon New Century - Digimon Adventu...  
Digimon New Century - Digimon Adventure (1999) Act 2:    • Digimon New Century - Digimon Adventu...  
Digimon New Century - Digimon Adventure (1999) Act 3:    • Digimon New Century - Digimon Adventu...  

Digimon New Century Gameplay - WereGarurumon, MetalGarurumon, Angemon, Birdramon digivolutions:    • Digimon New Century Gameplay - WereGa...  
Digimon New Century - SkullGreymon, WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon Black, Kazemon & more Digivolutions:    • Digimon New Century - SkullGreymon, W...  
Digimon New Century - Hatching Cutemon, MegaSeadramon Digivolution:    • Digimon New Century - Hatching Cutemo...  
Digimon New Century - Eaglemon/Crossmon, Lekismon, Crescemon, Angewomon, Piedmon & more Digivolutions:    • Digimon New Century - Eaglemon/Crossm...  
Digimon New Century (May 2021):    • Digimon New Century up-to-date  
Upcoming August 2021 Beta test + gameplay (Zephyrmon Digivolution, etc.):    • Видео  

Game theme: “Zero: hajimari no basho” (place to start) by Ayumi Miyazaki.

#DigimonNewCentury #Digimon #数码宝贝新世纪


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