Florian Toperngpong, graphic designer (Germany)

Описание к видео Florian Toperngpong, graphic designer (Germany)

Florian Toperngpong, graphic designer (Germany)
“Honest Fakes and Imaginary Archives”, lecture in presence
Fabrica, 3 April 2023

Florian Toperngpong studied graphic design and subsequently received a Fabrica grant for visual communication and creative writing in Italy.

He is a freelance graphic artist, associate member of Club of Rome‘s Think Tank 30 and ecturer at the Academy of Design in Regensburg.

Florian Toperngpong presents his books, exhibitions and performances as a conceptual artist. His work uses fakes and the archive as a medium to pose the question, what we perceive as reality and what is real anyway. In addition, his projects provide playful, artistic answers to contemporary questions of coexistence.

His most recent book was published in 2019 in Germany.

He lives with his family in Regensburg.


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