Lipid Bilayer | Scientific Illustration | Blender

Описание к видео Lipid Bilayer | Scientific Illustration | Blender

Join our 3D scientific illustration workshop:


00:00:00 - Creating a Basic Lipid Bilayer Model in Blender
00:02:13 - Extruding and Shaping Hydrophobic Tails of Lipids
00:04:29 - Replacing Hair Particles with Lipid Layer Units
00:06:41 - Aligning and Duplicating Lipid Units for Bilayer
00:09:01 - Adding Color and Materials to the Lipid Layer
00:11:14 - Creating a Wavy Appearance for Realistic Texture
00:13:30 - Lighting and Camera Setup for Rendering the Model
00:15:46 - Rendering and Modifying Lipid Molecules for Effects
00:17:50 - Advanced Lipid Distribution and Protein Integration
00:20:10 - Creating a Liposome Cross-Section with Particle System


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