How to grow crinum Lily from bulb।। Repotting of crinum Lily/ Milky vine।।

Описание к видео How to grow crinum Lily from bulb।। Repotting of crinum Lily/ Milky vine।।

Hi guys so in todays video I have shown you guys how to grow crinum Lily from its bulb. I have already made one video where I have shown tips and care of crinum Lily .I will put the link below if u haven't watched it go and see it.
   • How to grow Crinum lily ।।Tips and Ca...  

Crinum is a genus of about 180 species of perennial plants that have large showy flowers on leafless stems, and develop from bulbs. They are found in seasonally moist areas, including marshes, swamps, depressions and along the sides of streams and lakes in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide
.The best time to transplant the crinum lily is in the spring, after all chance of frost has ended. Be sure the plant is hardened off to outdoor conditions before transplanting. Those in warm climates can plant it year-round, with one caution.Sep 29, 2019
Common Name(s): Crinum lily, poison bulb, spider lily, grand crinum lily
Soil: Well-draining, moist soil, organic-rich
Water: Keep moist but not soggy, about 2x/week


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