Story of a Traditional Sabani, courtesy of Hiroyasu Funakoshi

Описание к видео Story of a Traditional Sabani, courtesy of Hiroyasu Funakoshi

Okinawa, Japan.
For many, many years Okinawan fishermen plied their trade using traditional wooden boats - Sabani. These boats were hand crafted from thick wood planks and blocks, and held together using wooden joints and dowels and bamboo "nails". With an exquisite underwater form, the 'plans' for these boats were held in the minds of the builders and not written down. The sails take on the form of a traditional junk rig, but it seems they mostly do not reef by lowering the sail into lazy jacks, but by tieing the lower battens and sail to the next batten up. Good seakeepers, designed for the seas in which they are sailed, they were not immune to capsize, but were expected to be capable of being righted even in heavy weather. Sometimes an outrigger is added, or even two boats may be linked to form a catamaran. In the past these traditional vessels made very long journeys overseas.

From the 1960s, Sabani became motorised, plasticised, bigger and less traditional, to the extent that less than a handful of traditional builders retained the skills to build them in the old style. Fortunately, there has been some revival, and there is even an annual Sabani race to celebrate these traditional craft. Individuals and groups have kept the craft alive by sponsoring the building of boats in the ancient tradition. This video is the story of one such boat.
We have been permitted by Mr Hiroyasu Funakoshi to use this video on our channel, but the ownership and all rights belong to him and not to the Junk Rig Association. We strongly recommend his channel for those who wish to see some more of these boats and their beautiful land, Okinawa, Japan.

Google translation:
沖縄、日本。 何年もの間、沖縄の漁師は伝統的な木造船であるサバニを使って貿易を行っていました。 これらのボートは、厚い木の板とブロックから手作りされ、木製のジョイントとダボと竹の「釘」を使用して一緒に保持されました。 絶妙な水中の形で、これらのボートの「計画」はビルダーの心に保持され、書き留められませんでした。 1960年代から、サバニは電動化され、可塑化され、大きくなり、伝統的でなくなり、古いスタイルでそれらを構築するスキルを保持している伝統的な建築家はほんの一握りでした。 幸いなことに、いくつかの復活があり、これらの伝統工芸を祝うために毎年サバニレースさえあります。 これはそのようなボートの物語です

For more:
   / @aweare  
   • 久宇良サバニツアー / KU-RA SABANI TOUR(沖縄石垣島/I...  
   • 【POV RAW 】 サバニセーリング 石垣新川⇒久宇良  
   • Traditional Sabani Boating in Itoman ...  
   • An Apprentice Boat Builder in Japan  


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