Scott Ritter Explains What's Actually Happening Between Iran & Israel!

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Scott Ritter Explains What's Actually Happening Between Iran & Israel!

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According to US sources, an Israeli missile has struck Iran, in retaliation for Iran's missile and drone attacks on Israel.
Welcome everyone, in today's video; we’re going to tell you Scott Ritter Explains What's Actually Happening Between Iran & Israel!
Iran's first direct attack on Israel came in response to an Israeli raid on the Iranian consulate in Syria's capital Damascus, which killed key military officers.
Why are Israel and Iran enemies?
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Scott Ritter Explains What's Actually Happening Between Iran & Israel!
Previously, Israel and Iran had been fighting a years-long shadow war, destroying each other's assets without claiming blame.
Those attacks have increased significantly during the current Gaza war, which began with the Palestinian group Hamas' assault on surrounding Israeli settlements last October.
The two countries were partners until the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, which installed a regime that has made opposing Israel a central aspect of its philosophy.
Iran rejects Israel's right to exist and aims to eradicate it. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the country's top leader, has previously referred to Israel as a "cancerous tumour" that "will undoubtedly be uprooted and destroyed".
Israel feels Iran poses an existential threat, as indicated by Tehran's rhetoric, the formation of proxy organizations in the region, including the Lebanese Shia militant group Hezbollah, which has sworn to destroy Israel, and the sponsorship and arming of Palestinian factions such as Hamas.
It also accuses Iran of secretly attempting to create nuclear weapons, a claim Iran denies.
Why did Israel bomb the Iranian consulate in Syria?
On April 1, an air strike on an Iranian consulate facility in Damascus, Syria, killed 13 persons. Iran declared it a violation of national sovereignty.
Brig Gen Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in the Quds force, the foreign wing of Iran's elite Republican Guards, was among those murdered. He had played a crucial role in Iran's operation to arm the Lebanese Shia militant group Hezbollah.
The consulate bombing is part of a pattern of air strikes against Iranian targets widely attributed to Israel. In recent months, air strikes in Syria have killed a number of senior IRGC leaders.
The IRGC transports supplies and equipment, including high-precision missiles, through Syria to Hezbollah. Israel is attempting to halt these transfers, as well as prevent Iran from increasing its military presence in Syria.

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