Wilhelm & Simon | when the party's over

Описание к видео Wilhelm & Simon | when the party's over

I recommend to watch this video with headphones if you can and on the best quality possible :)

SO...where should I start:
first of all, you might notice that this edit is more Wille focused and thats because of the simple reason-that I dislike Simon. (Don't worry, I obviously ship Wilmon but we'll get to that later).
I dislike Simon because he is the most self centered man.. he is always like "oh no, I can't sing my song :( I'm so poor" but Wilhelm has a LOT more important things and he still fucking gave up his royalty for Simon (after always complaining to him and leaving him throughout the entire season, when Wille needed him most!)

I really think that Simon needs to be a lot more grateful for Wilhelm liking him for some reason.

But their chemistry is absolutely undeniable (although someone fell harder than the other..)

If you ship Marcus and Simon I-

please let's talk about the show in the comments because with this new season I've gotten some new anger issues (especially towards August)


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