How It Works: Husqvarna ST200 Series Drive System ST224, ST227, ST230

Описание к видео How It Works: Husqvarna ST200 Series Drive System ST224, ST227, ST230

In this video we take a look inside the drive system on a Husqvarna friction disk drive snow blower. The friction disk drive system in this snow blower is pretty similar to the set up that most other brands such as Cub Cadet, Troy-Bilt, Ariens, Simplicity, etc use in their snow blowers. But these Husqvarna units have a steering assist feature as part of their drive system. This feature is very helpful in the operation of the these machines as it makes them much easier to run compared to older units that had to be manhandled and muscled around through the snow to get them to turn. A lot of people seem to think that the steering assist is done by applying a brake to one side of the drive system like on a farm tractor with independent brakes for each rear wheel. That is not the case. This system is actually very simple because it utilizes 2 planetary gears on the friction disk shaft. The concept of steering assist on snow blowers has been around for several years, but is something that was mostly found on track drive snow blowers or higher end units. But tit has now become a standard feature on most residential units and without a big increase in price to consumers. If you're looking into purchasing a new snow blower then steering assist of some sort should be the first feature you look for on your next machine. Trust us, it really does make that big of a difference! #SnowBlower #HowItWorksVideo


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