Burgruine Scharfenstein in Tschechien / Zřícenina hradu Ostrý

Описание к видео Burgruine Scharfenstein in Tschechien / Zřícenina hradu Ostrý

Wer hier hin kommt, der sollte etwas Zeit und gute Kondition mitbringen. Zudem sollte man nicht unbedingt so wie ich, bei über 30 Grad diese Besichtigung einplanen. Das schlaucht doch ziemlich .
Diese Burgruine steht auf dem gleichnamigen 553 m hohem Berg Ostrý (deutsch: Scharfenstein) in der Nähe des Ortes 410 02 Velemín-Lovosice 2.
Auch wenn es von der Burg nur noch eine Restmauer zu sehen gibt, war alleine schon die Umgebung diese Reise Wert.
Anyone who comes here should bring some time and be in good shape. And you shouldn't plan this visit when it's over 30 degrees, like I did. That's pretty exhausting...
This castle ruin stands on the 553 m high mountain of the same name, Ostrý (German: Scharfenstein), near the town of 410 02 Velemín-Lovosice 2.
Even if only on wall is left from this castle, the surroundings alone were worth for this trip.


00:00 - Intro
00:30 – Filmstart
00:40 – So soll es einmal ausgesehen haben / This is what it is supposed to have looked like
00:50 – Drohnenaufnahmen / Drone shots
02:09 – Der Weg ist das Ziel / The journey is the destination
03:21 – Steintreppe & Tor / Stone staircase & gate
04:13 – Ehemaliger Burgbereich / Former castle area
05:33 – Zum Schluss der Palasbereich / / Finally, the former palace area
06:49 – Wo befindet sich diese Burgruine? / Where is this castle ruin located?
07:33 – Informationen zur Geschichte (70 sec) / Information about the history (70 sec)

You can find the English version of the history about this ruin in the video description.

Diese Burgruine in Tschechien sollte man sich ansehen:
Burgruine Schönburg -    • Видео  

In Polen gibt es viele wundervolle Burg- und Schlossruinen::
Z.B. die Schlossruine der Hohenzollern -    • Hohenzollern_Schlossruine in Polen_Sc...  


Sofern Ihr es noch nicht getan haben solltet, so vergesst bitte nicht
meinen Kanal zu abonnieren. Danke !

Hier noch einmal die GPS-Daten: 50.531197 / 13.9513788

Bitte beachtet auch meine anderen Filme über Burg-, Palast- und Schlossruinen in Polen und Tschechien.

Danke !


Information about history:

The castle ruins stand on the 553 m high Ostrý mountain of the same name (German: Scharfenstein).
The existence of Ostrý Castle has been documented since 1433 as the property of Kaplirz de Sulewicz. The castle had a palace of unknown appearance at its highest point. This palace completed the main castle, which was located at various heights. The castle was perfectly fortified. On the way up to the castle there were at least three earthen bastions and several dry stone walls that were also reinforced with wooden structures.
From 1510 the castle belonged to the Waldstein family. The castle was only inhabited for a short time, as the new lords of the castle preferred the more comfortable fortress in Bílý Újezd as their place of residence.
The castle was last described as intact in 1536. The castle had been considered a ruin since 1565.
The keep, the palace and large parts of the walls were demolished in the 18th century when the ruins were used as a quarry.
In 1784, a treasure hunter built an inn in the ruins, but it was destroyed in a storm a short time later.


VLOG: Tschechien 014


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