Spinal Tap Uncut - Tommy and Frank

Описание к видео Spinal Tap Uncut - Tommy and Frank

From the Spinal Tap archives....

The scene in which Tommy Pischedda labels the group as "fuckin' Limeys" was originally MUCH longer, largely focusing on his Frank Sinatra obsession. Here is the most complete version possible, splicing together the workprint and Criterion DVD extras (with just a hint of theatrical cut) - I've even dubbed in the song meant to be added in post-production. Tommy discusses Frank's charity work, Frank's talents outside of music, his mother's love for Frank, Ava Gardner's love for Frank, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...... and why Spinal Tap is a fad.

Spinal Tap are the intellectual property of Harry Shearer, Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Rob Reiner. (Many thanks, obviously, to the late Bruno Kirby.)


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