Enterprise Architecture = Architecting the Enterprise by Gregor Hohpe

Описание к видео Enterprise Architecture = Architecting the Enterprise by Gregor Hohpe

Architects in the enterprise are often regarded as ivory tower residents who bestow their utopian plans upon project teams in the form of colorful diagrams that bear little to no resemblance to reality. The most suspicious in this group are often the "Enterprise Architects" who are perceived as being furthest from actual technical problems.

However, large-scale IT operation and transformation require transparency across hundreds or thousands of applications running on all sorts of middleware in data centers around the globe. The very enterprise architects are likely the only ones who stand a chance to bring transparency into such an environment and who can direct IT investments in the hundreds of millions of Euros towards modernization and run-cost reduction. This sounds a lot more exciting and valuable than drawing pictures!

This session takes a serious but light-hearted look at the role of enterprise architects in modern IT organizations.

Slide and Other details: https://confengine.com/agile-india-20...
Conference: https://2018.agileindia.org


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