Webinar 32: Children and Young People scoping event; SE Homelessness and Inclusion Health Network

Описание к видео Webinar 32: Children and Young People scoping event; SE Homelessness and Inclusion Health Network

SE Homelessness and Inclusion Health Network - A special focus scoping session on children and families in temporary accommodation

The aims of the scoping session was to:

Raise awareness of the recent report, the seven key areas and actions by the All Party Parliamentary Group into temporary accommodation,
Understand the impact of a poor home environment on child mortality
Identify themes that can inform the content of a Framework for action, which will offer guidance to local systems

The objectives are to:
Hear from stakeholders about the issues facing children, young people and their families, experiencing or at risk of homelessness in the South East
Explore the challenges facing organisations and staff, and hear of examples of good practice and solutions
Discuss how, as a region, we can work together to influence and tackle the recommendations in the APPG report

Colleagues heard presentations from Sam Pratt and Emma Roe, from Shared Health, on the All Party Parliamentary Group Report into temporary accommodation and from Nicola Munday, Child Wellbeing Professional and Lead for Learning from Child Deaths, from Surrey Heartlands ICS, who presented a local case study: Surrey child death review - acting on the learning by being a pilot for the national bundle of care for children and young people with asthma.


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