MYSTICAL SIGNS OF THE ANCIENT INCA'S CIVILIZATION - Geoglyphs of Atacama Desert (Full Documentary).

Описание к видео MYSTICAL SIGNS OF THE ANCIENT INCA'S CIVILIZATION - Geoglyphs of Atacama Desert (Full Documentary).

Mystical Signs of the Ancient Inca’s Civilization
This document was filmed and photographed during my “Atacama Expedition” in March and April of 2019 in the North Part of Atacama Desert.

Mystery of Chile’s Geoglyphs in Atacama Desert
More than 5,000 geoglyphs—prehistoric works of art placed on or worked into the landscape—have been recorded in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile over the past thirty years. A summary of these investigations appears in a paper by Luis Briones entitled "The geoglyphs of the north Chilean desert: an archaeological and artistic perspective", published in the March 2006 issue of the journal Antiquity.
The best-known geoglyphs in the world are the Nazca lines, built between 200 BC and 800 AD, and located approximately 800 kilometers away in coastal Peru. The Chilean glyphs in the Atacama Desert are far more numerous and varied in style, cover a much larger region (150,000 km2 versus the 250 km2 of the Nazca lines), and were built between 600 and 1500 AD. Both the Nazca lines and the Atacama glyphs had multiple symbolic or ritual purposes; while scholars believe the Atacama glyphs additionally had a vital role in the transportation network connecting the great South American civilizations.
Why Were the Geoglyphs Built?
The complete purpose of the geoglyphs is likely to remain unknown to us today. Possible functions include a cultic worship of mountains or expressions of devotion to Andean deities; but Briones believes that one vital function of the geoglyphs was to store knowledge of safe pathways for llama caravans through the desert, including the knowledge of where salt flats, water sources, and animal fodder could be found.
Briones terms these “messages, memories and rites” associated with the pathways, part sign post and part story-telling along a transportation network in an ancient form of combined religious and commercial travel, not unlike the rite known from many many cultures on the planet as pilgrimage. Large llama caravans were reported by Spanish chroniclers, and many of the representational glyphs are of caravans. However, no caravan equipment has been found in the desert to date. Other potential interpretations include solar alignments.

Whatever was purpose of building Geoglyphs in Atacama Desert in North part of Chile Expedition Atacama 2019 was probably most educational trip I have ever undertaken because the complexity and variety of tasks I fullfil during 2 months travels in remote areas of Atacama Desert and Altiplano Puna – high attitude area of Ands on triangle junction of Chile, Bolivia and Argentina.



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