I take a picture of myself every day for 6 years

Описание к видео I take a picture of myself every day for 6 years

So I missed last years video. Stuff got in the way. But here it is, 6 years worth of pictures of my handsome mug (and my sometimes not so handsome acne). I became inspired to start my own video project after seeing Noah Kalina's 'everyday' video which had taken him 6 years to make. At the time six years seemed like an intimidatingly long amount of time, but now I've taken pictures for precisely that long.

Of course, by now Kalina has taken pictures of himself for more than 12 years.... curse those sad puppy eyes...

Anyway, enjoy the video, featuring music by Anti-Citizen. Check out his Newgrounds profile over here: http://anti-citizen.newgrounds.com/

Or while you're at it, check out my Newgrounds profile. It has "art"! http://angry-hatter.newgrounds.com/


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