Risk Factors for TB! Nursing Exam/NCLEX Style Question!!

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- Caroline

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Question number 1:
In identifying the clients at higher risk for getting Tuberculosis, the nurse notes which of the following risk factors? Select all that apply:

A. Close contacts of known infectious TB cases
B. Foreign-born persons from areas where TB is common
C. Healthcare workers who serve high-risk clients
D. Residents or employees of correctional facilities
E. Residents of homeless shelters
F. People who inject illicit drugs

Ok, so in these answer options…. All of the options are correct.
Other risk factors are residents or employees of high–risk congregate settings, such as nursing homes, medically underserved areas, low-income populations, high-risk racial or ethnic minority populations, defined locally as having an increased prevalence of TB and substance abusers –especially IV drug use.
From personal experience, I can also include that living in heavily populated areas or cities can also be included… my story of living in Maryland… close to DC & having to receive a TB test frequently.
You have had unprotected contact with a known TB patient… you need to have your PPD test completed.

Answer.: A, B, C, D, E, F


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