DIY Pest Control: How to Get Rid of Ants in the Walls

Описание к видео DIY Pest Control: How to Get Rid of Ants in the Walls

I’m bringing you a step-by-step, fool-proof guide on How to Get Rid of Ants in the Walls. And believe me, by the end of this video, you'll be sending those pesky ants packing. So let's dive right in!

Things you need...
Stethoscope –
Caulk –
Caulking gun –
White vinegar –
Spray bottle –
Ant bait stations –
Diatomaceous earth –
Borax –
Sugar –
Insecticide –
Boric acid –
Peppermint oil –
Lemon juice –
Cinnamon sticks –
Sealed containers –
Gloves –
Mask –

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Identify the ant species

First off, you've got to know your enemy. Take a good, hard look at those little intruders. What color are they? Any quirky features, like big jaws or wings? And how do they behave? Are they the disciplined type, marching in a straight line, or do they wander around like they've lost their GPS? And here’s the kicker, do they have a sweet tooth or are they protein freaks? Once you've got these details down, hit up the internet and do some detective work. Find out exactly what kind of ant you're dealing with.

But what if you're not Sherlock Holmes and you're still stumped? No worries. There are ant gurus out there, like entomologists or professional exterminators, who can help you figure it out.

Inspect and locate the nest

Next, you're going to play 'follow the leader.' Watch where the ants are going. Be patient, it may take a while. Look out for their tiny entry points, it could be any little crack or crevice. Whip out your flashlight, do your best detective impression and hunt down their secret lair.

Need to turn up your ant radar? Try pressing a stethoscope or even just a glass against the wall. Listen out for those tiny footsteps or rustling sounds. It’s like eavesdropping on the tiniest secret meeting ever!

Remove attractants

Now let's make your house less of an ant-magnet. Keep your living space clean. Food spills and crumbs? Gone! Store your food in sealed containers. No free buffets here, ants! Regularly empty the trash, especially if it's got food waste. And if you've got a leaky pipe, fix it pronto, you don't want to give those critters a watering hole.

Apply natural remedies

Time to take it up a notch. Bring out your white vinegar and water. Mix them up at a 1:1 ratio, so if you're using a cup of vinegar, match it with a cup of water. Put it into a spray bottle and get spraying, focusing on ant trails and their hangout spots. This not only cleans up but completely messes with their pheromone trails, leaving them all confused.

Now let’s bring out the big guns - diatomaceous earth and boric acid. Sprinkle these near the ant entry points. Be careful not to overdo it; a fine dusting is all you need. They're like tiny landmines for ants!

And how about adding some natural repellents? For peppermint oil and lemon juice, a few drops on a cotton ball placed near entry points can work wonders. As for cinnamon sticks, just place them directly near the trails or suspected entry points. These all might smell great to us, but for ants? Not so much.

But here’s the thing, you've got to keep at it. Don't expect these critters to pack up and leave overnight. Keep applying these remedies till the ants get the hint.

Set up bait stations

Now, it's time to play the Pied Piper. Setting up bait stations is simple. You can buy ready-made ones, or you can mix up a homemade version using sugar and borax.

Here’s how you do it: Mix one part borax with three parts sugar. For example, if you use one tablespoon of borax, you’ll need three tablespoons of sugar. Then, add just enough water to make a syrup. Place this sweet, deadly concoction in little containers or lids and position them near ant trails and entry points.

Remember to check these bait stations regularly. Replace the bait when it dries up, or when you notice less ant activity. Keep this up until the ants stop showing up for their not-so-happy meal.

Use insecticides, if necessary

Still got ants? Time to bring out the big guns. Use an insecticide that's specifically for the type of ant you're dealing with. Follow the instructions like your life depends on it and always, always use protection. Gloves, masks, the works. And keep your kids and pets well away till it's safe.

Seal entry points

Monitor and Assess the Situation

Image credits..

Amuzujoe, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


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