Cubase Pro 12 Technical Course Part 4 | FULL COURSE

Описание к видео Cubase Pro 12 Technical Course Part 4 | FULL COURSE

Welcome to PART 4 of the Cubase Technical Course!

I have decided to release my paid course to the public to allow more people to learn and grow from my videos. Cubase is a very complex software and this will help jumpstart the learning curve when switching over. In this course, which will be divided into 5 parts, you will learn all of the necessary buttons/features/tools that will be needed to make music in Cubase. This is NOT a music course, this is a course designed only to learn how to use the interface and where some of the more important features and buttons are located. I am aware that this may not cover everything, but there is only so much time to cover it all, Cubase is a very large program and there are still new things we learn everyday! I hope this course can help you get started on Cubase and jumpstart your music adventure!

Unit 7:
0:30 - Color Palette

Unit 8:
10:13 - Key Commands
14:57 - Macros

Unit 9:
17:07 - Instrument & Audio Tracks
26:42 - MIDI & Sampler Tracks
28:46 - Group & FX Tracks
33:08 - VCAs, Master Tracks & More

#cubase #digitalcourse #steinberg


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