Dead Rising 2: Tale of Two Dads

Описание к видео Dead Rising 2: Tale of Two Dads

The First Part of a Father's Struggle to have fun during a zombie apocalypse, or should I say 2 Dads? Chuck Greene was a former motocross champion turned zombie killing contestant of the tanking game show "Terror is Reality". This was until, what do you have it, a zombie outbreak kicked off within the epicenter of Fortune City. Turns out shoving a bunch of zombies into a single place increases the chances of an outbreak to occur, go figure. The stress of the situation had caused Greene to undergo a sudden transformation, and now there's two of them! (Totally not an excuse for co-op to make sense.) Now with two Chucks in existence, their goal is simple; protect their young daughter Katey, survive the zombie apocalypse, and have some fun while doing it! Beware however, as not everyone in this adult playground seems to share the same sentiment on fun, that being zombie killing if you replaced the word zombie with people. Psychopaths if you will. Join a Tale of Two Dads as both Chucks battle against the zombie horde while enjoying the sights of Fortune City!


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