Addis Talks: አዲሱ የውጪ ካምፓኒ RIDE በቅናሽ ጀመረ | Yango | EP13

Описание к видео Addis Talks: አዲሱ የውጪ ካምፓኒ RIDE በቅናሽ ጀመረ | Yango | EP13

Join us for an insightful conversation with YANGO Ethiopia's Country Manager, Yekenalem Abebe, as we delve into ride-hailing services in Ethiopia. Get ready to uncover the innovative strategies, challenges, and exciting developments in the transportation landscape of Ethiopia.

#Yango #RideHailing #EthiopiaTransport #Interview #TechInnovations #EthiopianBusiness #UrbanMobility


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