外國人最少的縣市之一?俄羅斯人選擇居住在*南投*的真正原因!|Why she chose to live in NANTOU, Taiwan! 🐑❤️

Описание к видео 外國人最少的縣市之一?俄羅斯人選擇居住在*南投*的真正原因!|Why she chose to live in NANTOU, Taiwan! 🐑❤️

本影片與 南投縣政府 https://travel.nantou.gov.tw 合作!

This video has been produced in collaboration with the Nantou government.
Would you want to give life in Nantou a try? After living in Nantou for 2.5 years, Viktoria has many unique experiences to share. Her experience here has been so good that she doesn’t even plan on returning to Russia?
Also, I didn’t think sustainable tourism could be so enjoyable! While it is tourism that takes into full account its current and future social, economic, and environmental impacts at its core, it also just feels like a more in-depth way to experience the area. I can feel how passionate everyone working in this field is!
#南投 #清境 #南投永續旅遊指南

字幕誤植:台一生態休閒農場英文 「Tai-Yi Ecological Leisure Farm」
⭐合作信箱聯繫➔[email protected]

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【崔璀璨 Tristan H.】
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