DCS World AH-64D Apache DEFINITIVE Cold Start & Takeoff Tutorial!

Описание к видео DCS World AH-64D Apache DEFINITIVE Cold Start & Takeoff Tutorial!

Today's Training video centers around the Cold Start and Takeoff procedures for the DCS World AH-64D Apache attack helicopter. This tutorial aims to give you a flow through the cockpit to make you cold start and takeoff procedures both efficient and repeatable.

If you've ever been playing call of duty or battlefield and been up in the chopper gunner killstreak and really wanted to experience what it is a really like inside an attack helicopter, than the DCS AH-64D Apache is definitely the module for you! While DCS may be much more complex than War Thunder or other Sim-lite games it is definitely worth the effort!

If you are a DCS World veteran, but haven't made the jump to helicopters yet, the AH-64D Apache or Mi-24P Hind-F are the best helicopters to get started with. It is definitely a world away from slinging AMRAAMs at 30,000 feet at Hornets, Mirages and Vipers and really allows you to get down low and slow and see all of the amazing details of your favorite maps like Syria and the Persian Gulf.

I hope you guys enjoy the video! Happy flying and give 'em Hell!

0:00:00 - Intro
0:02:15 - Cold Start Tutorial
0:26:10 - Takeoff Tutorial & Demonstration

►►System Specs DCS/Gaming PC:
GPU: GeForce RTX 3090
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 5.20GHz
Memory: 64 GB RAM 3600mhz
Current resolution: 2560 x 1080, 144Hz

►►System Specs Dedicated Server/Video Editing PC:
GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X @ 3.9GHz
Memory: 32GB RAM

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