Twin Girls first deer Birthday Bucks AR15 deer hunting at its best

Описание к видео Twin Girls first deer Birthday Bucks AR15 deer hunting at its best

Opening day of Mo 2016 Youth rifle was slow no deer moving on public land. The first place was down along the river but the wind was not working so around 10:00 after not seeing anything we walked back a old fire break road found a fresh buck rub and a spot to sit. After a sitting for a little a spike walked up about 40 yards out and gave her a shot at 23 Yards with her 5.56 AR15 placing a great double lung dropping just from view at 23 yards. Her sister shot her deer in the same place just before dark with a .277 WVL making a end to a great day.
here is the link to the bullet she used and the recovery of the second deer
   • Kids PSA AR15 deer hunting rifle  
   • 277 WLV Terminal Performance  
   • Recovery of Micaela's first deer  


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