Deloitte | Doing Business in Vietnam - 越南投資須知

Описание к видео Deloitte | Doing Business in Vietnam - 越南投資須知

越南經過30多年的革新開放,加上積極簽署跨國協定、基礎設施條件有效改善,外國直接投資的穩步增長等因素,現已成為外國投資商的首選之地,去年起中美貿易戰的影響更使得越南越發受到矚目。究竟外資要如何在越南開展業務呢? 在本影片中,我們將為各位說明投資越南行前的必要資訊。
In more than 30 years of social-economic reforms, actively engaging in a number of free trade agreements and improving infrastructure, and a steady increase in foreign direct investment suggest that Vietnam has transformed into an attractive investment destination. Besides, Vietnam has capitalised on the fallout of the last year’s US-China trade war to become a top destination for manufacturers looking to avoid tariffs. How to set up a business in Vietnam? In this video, we will briefly introduce the procedures and required documents.

#doing_business_in_vietnam #company_setup #DeloitteVietnam #ChineseServicesGroup
#越南投資須知 #註冊成立公司 #德勤越南 #華商服務部
#越南投资须知 注册成立公司 #德勤越南 华商服务部


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