[HD] THE CENTRAL DOGMA -synra edition- English Narration

Описание к видео [HD] THE CENTRAL DOGMA -synra edition- English Narration

The movie of "The Central dogma" is made by RIKEN Yokohama institute Omics Science Center(RIKEN OSC) It is the latest version.

We tried to illustrate how molecular machines interact each other in the central dogma by giving "Japanese robot-anime" style representation to the molecules. By using this approach, people (especially kids) can easily distinguish between those molecules and understand how they function in our body.

Producer : Yoshihide Hayashizaki
Director : Sorahiko Nukatani
CG : Toshihide Kasahara , Kazufumi Watanabe
Storyboad : Kazufumi Watanabe
Music : Kazufumi Watanabe (altair blue) , Hyakume Tsukino (altair blue)

(c)2007,2008-2011 RIKEN


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