Rose Petal Jelly Recipe and Tutorial

Описание к видео Rose Petal Jelly Recipe and Tutorial

Try this recipe for rose petal jelly and create an unexpected condiment that makes an ordinary bakery item luxurious. Roses have been and are a staple food item in many cultures. This rose petal jelly has a delicate floral taste and beautiful color. Use for a special occasion or give as a gift.

About 5 cups pesticide free rose petals
4 cups water
4 cups sugar
1 packet pectin
2 Tablespoons lemon juice

Push rose petals into a quart mason jar
Cover with boiling water and let sit at least 30 minutes
Strain into sauce pan
Bring to light boil
Add pectin and dissolve
Add sugar and dissolve completely
Label into clean jars and refrigerate
To extend self life, freeze or return to hot water bath and can


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