花蓮市.佐倉步道 (Sakura Trail) , 猴子超多!佳山基地、奇萊平原

Описание к видео 花蓮市.佐倉步道 (Sakura Trail) , 猴子超多!佳山基地、奇萊平原

昔日台灣水泥的採礦道路, 在採礦結束之後, 蛻變成為一條生態健行步道,全長3950公尺,海拔爬升約420公尺。寬闊的步道路面, 讓人安步漫遊。步道蜿蜒而上, 沿途設有觀景平台, 可以俯瞰佳山基地, 時聞戰機嘯聲而起; 可以遠眺奇萊平原,望見太平洋無邊無際。步道旁的樹林, 時有獼猴蹤影,給遊客驚喜。

The former mining road of Taiwan Cement Corp. was transformed into an ecological hiking trail after the mining ended, with a total length of 3950 meters and an altitude climb of about 420 meters. The wide trail surface allows people to roam leisurely. The trail winds up, and there are viewing platforms along the way. You can overlook the Jiashan base, and you can hear the roar of fighter planes. You can overlook the Qilai Plain and the boundless Pacific Ocean. In the woods next to the trail, Formosan rock-monkeys are often seen, which surprises tourists.

本次旅行的交通資訊及旅行路線,請參考以下Google Map連結:
(Please refer to the following Google Map link for the traffic information and hiking route )

【一般路程時間參考】(Walking reference time)
去程約2小時, 回程約1.5小時 (含休息時間)。
The outbound trip takes about 2 hours and the return trip takes about 1.5 hours (including rest time).

【公廁資訊】(Lavatory Information)
步道入口及中繼站 (2990m) 設有公共廁所。
There are public toilets at the trailhead and relay station (2990m).

【交通資訊】(Traffic Information)
★大眾運輸:建議搭乘火車至花蓮站, 再轉乘計程車 (約4.5公里) 或步行約1小時至佐倉步道入口。
★自行開車:Google地圖衛星導航可以輸入「佐倉步道」 ,即可抵達目的地。步道入口設有停車場。
★Public transportation: It is recommended to take the train to Hualien Station, then transfer to a taxi (about 4.5 kilometers) or walk for about 1 hour to the Sakura Trail entrance.
★Driving by yourself: You can enter "Sakura Trail" on Google Maps satellite navigation to reach your destination. Parking is available at the trailhead.

【延伸閱讀】(Extended reading)
★Tony的自然人文旅記第2182篇 - 旅行影片:花蓮人的「看家山」~美崙山
   • 花蓮人的「看家山」—美崙山,尋訪花蓮港神社遺蹟  

★Tony的自然人文旅記第1088篇 - 松園別館

★更多Tony的旅記, 歡迎造訪我的網站(旅記依旅行區域分類):

【本次旅行GPX軌跡檔案下載】(GPX track file download for this trip)

【影片製作相關設備及軟體】(Video production related equipment and software)
Gopro Hero 10 運動型攝影機 (攝影)
270-pro Backpack 碳纖維自拍桿 (自拍棒)
Waytogo app 記錄GPS 足跡 (行程記錄)
Power Director 365 威力導演 ( 剪接/字幕)
YouTube音效庫 (音樂)
PhotoImpact 13 (繪圖)
Google Map (交通地圖)

00:01 Back to Portland - TrackTribe (YouTube音樂庫)
02:25 Mourning Doves - Zachariah Hickman (YouTube音樂庫)
04:30 Pink Sunrise - The Great North Sound Society (YouTube音樂庫)
06:32 Christmas Homecoming - Aaron Kenny (YouTube音樂庫)
07:48 No.9 Esther Waltz (YouTube音樂庫)


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