
Описание к видео Host

Hello Everyone,

If you are a CTF Player, have you ever thought of Hosting your own CTF with your team?
I am sure you must have, So to make it simple and easy for you guys, I have made this video explaining the most important aspects of Hosting a CTF event.

This video is completely on how you can use the CTFd Capture the flag platform to conduct/host your own setup. This is of course not everything that you need to know but I have tried to cover every detail that you need. The second part of this video is a more details video on some other advanced configurations like setting up Cloudflare, Mailgun, etc to help you with a more real-life CTF event setup. I hope this video helps you in setting up your own CTF event.

Links & Resources:
CTFd Github:
CTFd Documentation:

This is the Updated version of    • Host CTFs with CTFd in Digital Ocean ...  ​

Social Handles:
Instagram:   / insomniac_hax0r​  
Twitter:   / 0xdeviner​  

If you want to connect 1-1 with me, feel free to have a look at



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