PS5 green screen with a PS4 Playstation Camera

Описание к видео PS5 green screen with a PS4 Playstation Camera

A very quick and easy setup to showcase the green screen capabilities of the PS5. In this video I'm using the PlayStation Camera adapter. This green-screen setup has been put together only for this video, this is definitely not for a broadcast setup haha. That's why I'm using two pieces of paper.

This is to show that these features do indeed work with the PlayStation camera, and you do not need to go out and by the newer HD camera.

Apologies for the terrible quality, I had to record it on my iPhone, as I couldn't quite seem to be able to record the PlayStation menus on the PlayStation itself.

0:00 Playstation Camera Adapter
0:19 Green Screen setup for the video
0:30 Initial Camera setup
0:58 Green Screen and Broadcasting settings


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