"Thank You" Mr Nice Guy w/ Kevin Miller LIVE @ Saucony Creek Brewing 2/24/2024

Описание к видео "Thank You" Mr Nice Guy w/ Kevin Miller LIVE @ Saucony Creek Brewing 2/24/2024

"Thank You"
Keith aka Mr Nice Guy
w Kevin Miller
LIVE Saucony Creek Kutztown Brewery + Pub
Kutztown @sauconybeer
Dido cover
February 24 2024

Kevin Miller sat in last night, You can watch the entire first set on my facebook page, The second set is on my IG page @fiveknuckleshuffle. He's amazing. Turn this up on the loudest speaker you got or your car, Just crank and go! Facebook forces you to vertically shoot video live now. I can't stand it. In the future, my videos will have a proper aspect ratio. You'll be seeing more of him with me in the future!

#mrniceguylive #mrniceguy2024 #ihaveaband #perpetualmotionmusician #acoustickickss #Dido #sauconycreekbrewing #Kutztown #thankyou


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