
Описание к видео #13realtarotquestions

Grace's Original video:    • 13 (Real) Tarot Questions. Part 1 | #...  

01:21 1. What is Tarot to you?
04:45 2. Do you read for yourself? For others?
05:43 3. With what frequency do you read Tarot for yourself?
07:23 4. What types of readings do you do?
09:39 5. Regarding what types of things do you typically consult Tarot?
12:21 6. How would you classify yourself as a reader? I.e. Book meanings, experiential, figurative, literal, etc.
15:52 7. What types of questions do you ask Tarot?
18:08 8. What questions do you never ask Tarot?
20:42 9. Who do you think you are engaging with/speaking with when you read Tarot?
23:23 10. What other knowledge/experience do you apply to Tarot readings? I.e. Astrology, numerology, religion, mythology, psychology, etc.
27:00 11. Tarot is "the book of life". Where else in your world/life do you witness Tarot?
28:50 12. Have you experienced where Tarot has correctly predicted the future? How did you feel when it came to pass?
32:58 13. If you are a witch or magical practitioner, how (if applicable) does Tarot fit in your magical practice?

Instagram: arosebudcauldron https://www.instagram.com/arosebudcau...
TikTok: arosebudcauldron   / arosebudcauldron  

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