Mega Man X2 - Crystal Snail's Stage

Описание к видео Mega Man X2 - Crystal Snail's Stage

Here comes the next one...! Crystal Snail's stage is one of those love/hate ones for me... I like the music, and the overall design of the stage... but parts of the stage, and the boss itself are just really dumb. The boss is a much bigger offender... the stage just has a couple dumb enemy placements, a blind spike drop, and the power-ups are just hiding down random pits. It still plays quite well, and it is the stage where you get to enjoy the ride armour the most, so that is something!

The boss though... Crystal Snail is another of those bosses that spends most of his time invincible... which is so totally exciting to fight, no? I probably should of spaced him and Wheel Gator out a bit, cause seriously... they are both so freaking tedious. Do yourself a favour and bring his weakness, the Magnet Mine, when you fight him, because unlike with Wheel Gator, this speeds up the battle IMMENSELY instead of slowing it down.



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