498(a) के झूठे मामले होंगे खारिज़ 2025। Supreme Court का ऐतिहासिक फैसला .

Описание к видео 498(a) के झूठे मामले होंगे खारिज़ 2025। Supreme Court का ऐतिहासिक फैसला .

Hello everyone welcome to Law Diary .

Friends in today's video We are discussing the landmark judgement of Supreme Court on false dowery cases.

Supreme Court Clarifies Standards for Quashing Criminal Proceedings in Matrimonial Disputes Involving Section 498-A IPC.

The Supreme Court allowed the appeal, setting aside the High Court's order and quash- ing the criminal proceedings against the appellants. The Court held that the allegations made against the appellants were vague, general, and lacked specific instances nec- essary to constitute offences under Sections 498-A, 312, and 313 of the IPC.



Date: Dec 20, 2024

Link : 👇 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P7D8...

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