Walnut (for Protection from Outside Influences( (Bach Flower Remedies) (Green Healing S3E49)

Описание к видео Walnut (for Protection from Outside Influences( (Bach Flower Remedies) (Green Healing S3E49)

Walnut is a Bach Flower Remedy for protection from outside influences. Here is a close look at its properties, some key symptoms that indicate if you need this remedy, what it promotes, and more.
#BachFlowerRemedies #Walnut

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Guide to Diagnosis & Treatment: https://amzn.to/36NWcfe

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Green Healing's mission is to share knowledge about abuse, and alternative and natural methods of healing the mind and body. Knowledge plays a large part in understanding and thus healing. Through my own personal experience, I have been able to tap into the most inner workings of my mind and body through knowledge, natural and alternative forms of therapy and medicine. Thus I have healed Depression, most of my CPTSD, and am working on overcoming other ailments as well. I hope that by sharing I can help you find your path to emotional freedom as well.

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  / greenhealing_  

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