Night of the Wolf | The Witches' Winter Sabbath on Saint Andrew's

Описание к видео Night of the Wolf | The Witches' Winter Sabbath on Saint Andrew's

Winter is coming... and so are bloodthirsty werewolves. On the first night of Winter, the Night of the Wolf, the witches, vampires, werewolves, pricolici, and ghosts of Romanian folklore meet in hidden places where no mortal eyes can happen upon them. They dance, measure their strength, and fight for supremacy to choose and celebrate a new leader for the year to come. On the night of Saint Andrew's, some can understand the language of animals, find hidden treasures, and recognize the evil nestling in the hearts of others.

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📚 References

📖 Mitologie Românească, Marcel Olinescu
📖 Dicționar de Mitologie Română, Ion Ghinoiu
📖 Şcoala de Solomonie, Antoaneta Olteanu
📖 Memoria Ethnologica nr. 66 - 67 (An XVIII)
🎥    • Dead and Living Strigoi | Vampire Wit...  
🎥    • The Curse of the Pricolici: The True ...  

🎬 Chapters

00:00 Introduction
02:17 The Saint and the Wolf
06:24 The Pricolici and Vârcolaci
13:00 The Winter Sabbath
15:05 The Night Watch
19:33 The Great Darkness

⚖️ Created by Radiana Piț


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