似重若輕The Weight of Lightness | 劉國松的獨創水墨技法Liu Kuo-sung on his unique ink painting method

Описание к видео 似重若輕The Weight of Lightness | 劉國松的獨創水墨技法Liu Kuo-sung on his unique ink painting method

「中國畫是用點和線來組合的……如果能夠把白線也加到中國畫裏,然後中國畫又有白線又有黑線,那不就把中國繪畫的領域拓寬了?」藝術家劉國松因此獨創技法,在粗綿紙上撕下紙筋,輕柔的白色痕跡在畫面形成曲折的造形,代替傳統水墨中的飛白效果。你可到M+展亭的「似重若輕:M+ 水墨藏品」展覽,從劉國松的作品《澄者自澄》中欣賞得到。

‘Chinese painting is an assemblage of dots and lines…If we could introduce white lines into Chinese painting, so that there are both white and black lines, the scope of Chinese painting would be broadened.’

This notion inspired artist Liu Kuo-sung to develop a unique painting technique that involves peeling off fibres from coarse cotton paper to create feathery white marks that resemble the textured brush strokes of traditional ink paintings. The delicate, subtle results can be seen in his work, ‘Clear Conclusion of Clearness’, on show now at M+ Pavilion as part of ‘The Weight of Lightness: Ink Art at M+’.

似重若輕:M+ 水墨藏品 The Weight of Lightness: Ink Art at M+
日期 Date: 至2018年1月14日 Until 14 Jan 2018
11:00am to 6:00pm, Wednesday to Sunday and public holidays
西九文化區M+ 展亭 M+ Pavilion, West Kowloon Cultural District

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