鄧麗君 テレサ・テン Teresa Teng 別れの予感 (Wakare no Yokan) A Premonition of Parting

Описание к видео 鄧麗君 テレサ・テン Teresa Teng 別れの予感 (Wakare no Yokan) A Premonition of Parting

This song is included in this channel's Japanese song playlist
   • Teresa Teng Japanese songs  

別れの予感 (Wakare no Yokan), meaning "A Premonition of Parting"). 三木たかし(Miki Takashi) composed the song, and 荒木とよひさ (Araki Toyohisa) wrote the lyrics. Teresa Teng won the 1988 1st-half Year Grand Prix of All-Japan Cable Radio Award (全日本有線放送大賞, Zen-Nihon Yūsen Hōsō Taishō) for Wakare no Yokan. The song was released on July 5, 1987.

This song video is dedicated to Yuko Yamane who is a daughter of my late friend Masami Yamashita. Yuko has also made contribution to spreading the legacy of Teresa Teng by translating some Japanese song lyrics into English, like her father used to do in tandem with my effort in uploading and translating Teresa Teng's songs in the Chinese language and dialects into English.


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