ESEA Match Day 11 | 9W / 1L

Описание к видео ESEA Match Day 11 | 9W / 1L

There is a two minute delay on the stream, and I will mostly be focusing on the games. Apologies if I do not see your message/question in chat. ESEA Open is a division in ESEA that anyone can join (as long as they have a team). We are 9-1 so far on the season! I am joined by Antlion, Covie, Diordior, and @Ryderdie1 I'm IGL'ing - this is my first season trying it out:).

More information about ESEA:

The first game played is a warmup FACEIT game, and the second is the ESEA match (best of 1) at 9:30pm EST

Sens: 800 dpi/1.0 in game
Res: 1280x960

0:00 Hello!
8:00 Scrim
1:11:00 ESEA Match


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