The Song of Maglor (LotR: Realms in Exile CK3)

Описание к видео The Song of Maglor (LotR: Realms in Exile CK3)

Maglor's appearance on the channel has been long overdue so I'm finally correcting it and bringing back Realms in Exile in general after a nearly half year hiatus of game play. I hope you enjoy. :)

🔗LotR - Realms in Exile:
🔗Soul Tomato Channel Discord:   / discord  
🔗Like the Video? Consider Becoming a Channel Member!:    / @soul_tomato  
🔗Need Help Installing CK3 Mods? Check Out This Video!:    • How to Install Mods for CK3 (Steam & ...  

Background Painting: The Wrath of the Seas by Ivan Aivazovsky (1886)
Silmaril Art by ant-gr:   / a_silmaril  

The Album Himring by Realms in Exile (Fog Crag Records) was used with permission for this video's OST. You can find their YouTube and Bandcamp links below:
🔗 YouTube: ‪@fogcragrecords8598‬
🔗 Bandcamp:


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