A Family Story | Introducing the New Faces of Boodles; Lady Amelia and Lady Eliza Spencer

Описание к видео A Family Story | Introducing the New Faces of Boodles; Lady Amelia and Lady Eliza Spencer

It’s not the gold. It’s not the platinum. It’s not the diamonds
(although admittedly, these do all help). No. The thing that sets Boodles apart is simple. It’s family.


Boodles is a family business. For six generations, it’s been in the same family – and this, we believe, is what makes Boodles special. The family bond is the strongest: it creates a culture of care and trust that allows our designers to take bolder leaps; our gem buyers to make braver choices; and our sales team to go the extra mile – often literally. And of course, Boodles jewellery is made to last for generations; each piece treasured by its first owner, but gaining emotional value and meaning as it’s passed down.

This year, our Managing Director Michael’s son, Geordie, joined Boodles – already home to his twin sister, Honour. So in honour of twins (so to speak), we’ve welcomed two sparkling sisters to represent the brand today: Lady Eliza and Lady Amelia Spencer – twin daughters of Charles 9th Earl Spencer and Victoria Lockwood and nieces of the late Princess Diana.

Raised in the Constantia district of Cape Town, but now living chiefly in London, both sisters are models with Storm, and have busy off-camera lives too. Amelia is passionate about wedding planning, and one of Eliza’s chief interests is interior design. They are ambassadors for United Purpose, a charity in Malawi which supports refugees from the Mozambican civil war, as well as championing causes for the Little Princess Trust.

The sisters’ love for one another is self-evident, and both are keen on establishing family legacies in their own right. Amelia married earlier this year, and speaks passionately about the importance of family. “Family means everything to me. I don’t know what I would do, or where I would be without them.” Equally at home in London, or Cape Town, Eliza and Amelia are often together, and speak every day. In the words of Amelia, “There’s nothing we can’t get through as long as we have each other.”

How do they feel about being bold new ambassadors for Boodles?
“I love everything that Boodles stands for,” says Amelia. “It’s a family business with heritage and creativity at heart. There’s an authenticity about that which I love.”

“I really connect with the family values that Boodles embodies,” adds Eliza.

What’s important to you that you’d like to pass down?
“The idea you should follow your instincts,” says Eliza. “We’re true Cancerians, with a strong sense of empathy and intuition. I think it’s important to trust and have faith in yourself.” “And embrace a sense of humour,” says Eliza. “Life’s sure to throw a few curveballs. It is important to stay resilient, but humour and kindness help keep things in perspective.”

“I love Raindance, just iconic. Classic and original at the same time. And having spent some of summer in London – I now fully understand its inspiration!” - Lady Amelia Spencer



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