You Should ALWAYS Play On HARD MODE... Here's Why.

Описание к видео You Should ALWAYS Play On HARD MODE... Here's Why.

A short video essay on why you, yes you, should always play video games on hard difficulty rather than easy or normal. Difficulty in video games is something I've had a history with in the past. Most modern games these days have you speedrunning through them on your first playthrough, so I wanted to address this problem in a video.

Bit of a different style of video here, might do more but next video will be back to destiny probably (don't worry I'm not switching games or anything)

Hope this topic was as interesting as I found it :)


Track 1 - Greenpath (Hollow Knight)

Track 2 - Voyage of Promise (Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Track 3 - White Lady (Hollow Knight)


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