Terra Mítica: Complete Walkthrough & On-Ride Experiences! July, 2024

Описание к видео Terra Mítica: Complete Walkthrough & On-Ride Experiences! July, 2024

Join us for an exciting walking tour of Terra Mítica in Benidorm, one of Spain's most captivating theme parks. In this video, we explore the park and its incredible attractions with on-ride footage of the top roller coasters and rides. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell for more Coaster Moments!

0:05 Entrance
2:00 Egipto
5:19 Puerto de Alejandría
6:39 Cataratas del Nilo
9:50 Cataratas del Nilo (on-ride)
13:05 Las Fuentes del Nilo
14:18 Akuatiti
17:03 Grecia
17:46 El Laberinto del Minotauro
19:41 El Laberinto del Minotauro (on-ride)
22:46 Titánide
25:46 Titánide (on-ride)
28:38 El Templo de Kinetos
29:30 Synkope
30:53 Synkope (on-ride)
32:49 La Furia de Tritón
34:36 La Furia de Tritón (on-ride)
36:35 Viewpoint
37:18 Los Ícaros
38:57 Alucinakis
39:49 Alucinakis (on-ride)
41:04 Cuca Park
42:17 Roma
43:05 Magnus Colossus
43:57 Tornado
44:41 Tornado (on-ride)
46:06 Inferno
47:39 Inferno (on-ride)
49:07 Circus Máximus
50:49 El Vuelo del Fénix
51:46 Roma - Iberia path
53:47 Iberia
1:00:52 Iberia kids area
1:02:22 Arietes
1:03:38 Las Islas
1:04:25 Los Rápidos de Argos
1:06:22 Trojan Horse
1:07:58 Mithos
1:08:25 Las Islas - Roma path
1:14:50 Fantasia
1:15:37 La Cólera de Akiles
1:16:05 La Cólera de Akiles (on-ride)
1:16:30 Las Islas - Egipto path
1:20:01 Arde Troya
1:20:45 Egipto
1:22:02 Infinnito
1:22:18 Lighthouse Of Alexandria
1:25:10 Exit

On-ride videos recorded with the park's permission.


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