Raining Future - Action Film Music

Описание к видео Raining Future - Action Film Music

xXx Music Introduction xXx

Let's teleport to the future on the streets of somewhere, with heavy rain and empty streets with flashing lights with a lot of action going on .
xXx Curious & creepy future xXx

Can you imagine yourself in a 100 years from now ?
How would the world look like ?
How buildings, streets and cars will look like ?
Will life be easier or harder ?
What is there will be a lot of action going on all around the world ? Instead of security, police and military there will be destroying machines just to destroy someone breaking the law instead of taking to the prison or punishment...the machines that one of them could easily destroy ( kill ) a 100 people at once with ease .
What if there is no law at all ? The machines took control over our planet and every human is living maybe a good and luxury life but is treated like a slave
What if there is no help from anyone except to escape to different planet ? Different galaxy ? A new and better world
What if when you wake up every day you have electric bracelet on your wrist and you have to eat at specific time 5 times a day and only 5 foods of your own choice ?
What if there will be no green grass and no sun at all ?
What if there will be some gigantic ceiling that doesn't allow the sun and not even the moon to put a light on earth ?
What if there is no animals at all ? Can you imagine living that type of future ?
what if on the electric bracelet you can pay for anything you want to buy even the most expensive thing in the world but the more you spent the more time it's taken from your life and when your life time numbers comes down to all zero's and you have not even 1 second left to live...the robots will make an armor, weapons and even food out of your body .
What if we land on a new planet and land our first step on that planet and feel the new atmosphere and so much curiosity about the new planet, new world, new life ,
If you would have 10 years, 9 months, 9 wekks, 9 days, 99 hours, 99 minutes and 999 seconds left to live...what would you do in your life ?


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