Chicken Vs. Dog - FIGHT

Описание к видео Chicken Vs. Dog - FIGHT

My dog, Rufus, being stupid again. With my two ex-battery hens and three buff orpingtons.

Real cock and dog fighting is an illegal and truly terrible practice. Fo more infrmation and details on what you can do to help, follow the peta links below!

be active! These animals cannot speak for themselves! So speak for them!

With thanks to my lovely chickens; Flourintine, Hamilton, Ja-Ja, Kitchen and Medicine - three of which are re-homed pets and two were rescued from a battery farm. Battery and barn raised hens are kept in appalling conditions. This practice is only continued because as a society, we demand cheap eggs and meat. Please always buy free-range eggs, and if you insist on eating the poor things - please, please, please always go for the free range option.

For more information on rehoming and protecting chickens check out the sites below, or google for information in your local area!

Come and say hi on Twitter! http:/
Thank you for watching
Much love and smie always

Tags: comedy funny dog fight skit chicken cock peta sos wwf conservation save abuse neglect rehoming dogs chickens rescue free range battery hens broilers shih tzu buff orpingtons rhode island red chick chicks barn coop hugh fearnly whittingstall vegan vegatarian beau jensen beau1618


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