God of War - Time Attack: Hybrid Build - 74 kills (Give Me God of War)

Описание к видео God of War - Time Attack: Hybrid Build - 74 kills (Give Me God of War)

Where is New Game +??? Scraping the barrel over here...

Just in case everyone's bored of SIGRUN videos, I quickly made a build that focuses on Runic, Cooldown, burn damage and rage increase.
Because Santa Monica Studios have been openly communicating to players about new game + as of recent, I can see the update being released within a couple of weeks. Hopefully...

Enchantments - Rage build up increase, burn damage increase, frost and immolation build up..
Runic attacks: Blades Heavy: Prometheus Flame - Light: Cyclone of Chaos
Runic attacks: Axe Heavy: Glaive Storm - Light: Fury of the Ice Troll
Talisman of Eternal Fury

Sensitivity 6/6. Motion blur 2, Film grain 0. Camera lock OFF, Strafe assist ON, Auto-aim OFF. Performance. (PRO)


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