Pastor Bens Revelation 12:7 Series: Humanity’s Greatest Need: Salvation Sermon: Sin in Salvation p7

Описание к видео Pastor Bens Revelation 12:7 Series: Humanity’s Greatest Need: Salvation Sermon: Sin in Salvation p7

The Scripture presents sin as a willful rebellion against Yah’s commands and desires, first committed by Adam and Eve, resulting in the Fallen State of Humanity. HaSatan plays the role of the tempter, but the Responsibility for sin lies with the Free Will of Humans. Sin leads to separation from God, but the path to reconciliation and salvation lies through Conversion and Repentance, turning away from sin and returning to God’s will. We cannot overlook that HaSatan plays a crucial role in our UNDERSTANDING of SIN. While HaSatan's sin occurred first chronologically, the sin of Adam and Eve is significant because it marks the entry of sin into the Human Experience and the created world. Their disobedience is considered the First Human Sin, directly affecting all humanity. Let’s start with HaSatan and his Relationship with Sin. So, let’s start with HaSatan and his Relationship with Sin. Satan's sin was a rebellion against God's authority in the spiritual realm, marking the origin of evil in a broader cosmic sense, leading to his expulsion from heaven and the introduction of evil into the cosmos. However, it was not until Adam and Eve sinned that sin entered the human realm, bringing with it physical and spiritual death, and corrupting the created order.


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