Myofascial pain syndrome treatment - How to RELIEVE TRIGGER POINTS with physiotherapy ©

Описание к видео Myofascial pain syndrome treatment - How to RELIEVE TRIGGER POINTS with physiotherapy ©

Temporomandibular dysfunction is one of the most common causes of myofascial pain syndrome, a muscle problem that can cause headache, neck and jaw pain even spreading to the shoulders and back.

00:00 Introduction:
In this 3D animation from Clínica Médico Dental Pardiñas ( we talk about treatment of .yofascial pain syndrome and tigger points.

00:06 The temporomandibular joint (TMJ):
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is formed by the mandibular condyle, the articular eminence, and the fossa of the temporal bone. The articular disc is located between them. The TMJ function enables the movement of the jaw for actions such as eating, yawning, and speaking.

00:22 Temporomandibular joint dysfunctions:
Temporomandibular dysfunctions limit the movements of the jaw and can cause limitation of the mouth opening, headache, pain in the neck, ear and jaw, and/or clicking sounds when opening or closing the mouth. A bad occlusion (the way in which we bite), facial asymmetries, bruxism or cervical alterations are some of the causes that in turn can trigger muscle problems.

00:43 Cause of myofascial pain syndrome:
TMJ overload is one of the most common causes of muscle problems, producing myofascial pain syndrome. It is characterized by a muscular point that is more tense than normal, which once contracted it`s not able to relax, painful on palpation and located on a taut band called the trigger point. Each trigger point produces pain that radiates to a specific part of the body and can cause movement limitation. The most related muscles in the TMJ are the masseter, pterygoid and temporalis.

01:10 Referred masseter pain:
Referred masseter pain can be located in the jaw, teeth, eyebrows, ear, and TMJ.

01:19 Temporal muscle pain:
Temporal muscle pain is associated with upper tooth pain and headache.

01:37 Referred pain from the medial pterygoid muscle:
Referred pain from the medial pterygoid muscle radiates to the TMJ region near the ear, to the mouth, to the upper neck and can create difficulties when swallowing. Lateral pterygoid muscle referred pain is usually felt next to the ear and in the upper jaw.

01:50 Other muscle problems:
These muscle problems can spread to other parts of the body such as the neck, shoulders, back, arms and legs.

02:36 Treatment of myofascial pain syndrome:
The treatment of myofascial pain syndrome consists of releasing the trigger points and restoring muscle length and strength. Treatments may include manual therapy, thermotherapy, infiltration with anesthetics or medication in the affected area, dry needling, and stretching.

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